答案是D为什么,请给个理由谢谢I remember _____ someone ____ the umbrella away.A.to see,take B.having seen,to take C.to see,to take D.having seen,take

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:46:44
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答案是D为什么,请给个理由谢谢I remember _____ someone ____ the umbrella away.A.to see,take B.having seen,to take C.to see,to take D.having seen,take 第三题答案是D,为什么,请说出理由, 为什么用过去时I will have watch_____because it doesn't work. A.repair B.to repair C.repairing D.repaired 答案是D请分析一下不选B的理由 谢谢~ I will do everything _____ make her happy.A.what B.that C./ D.which请高手给个确切的答案,是不是选B啊,如果是的话,说下理由;不是的话,请为我讲解下,我将感激不尽! I think watching English movies is a good way.(改为同义句)I think __ __ a good way __ __ English movies给个理由 谢谢!给个理由啊 为什么这样做 说的给分 10 If I ----plan to do anything I wanted to , I'd like to go to Tibet through as much of it as possiblA would,B could,C hav to D,ought to这题答案是B,为什么不选A?从语法角度讲A也行得通啊请给详细而准确分析,谢谢请问如果 请给个选择理由 各路大神,请帮帮我这道题给个答案,谢谢! Give me an answer,please!Everyone likes the (interesting) books.这道题我答案是填most interesting而答案是填interresting,为什么?老师也认为填interesting.请给我个理由, It won't be long before we____again.A.would meet B.shall meet C.will meet D.meet答案应该选D,为什么?请说明理由,谢谢~ 为什么Dr.Black comes from either Beijing or Shanghai ,I can't remember ______.答案是which 请给个详解, 高中化学题目,请写分析原因,谢谢! PUOTO16答案是D,但不知道为什么? 有没有 ask the way 或者是 tell the way 这种说法?请不要只给答案,请给出理由,谢谢 d答案是对是错,为什么这样?理由. the doctor asked me how long i ___ form headache. A.suffer B.am suffering C.have suffered D.had suffered 选什么 给个理由. 谢谢. I wish to shake hands with you, ______? a. shall b. may I c. do I d. will I 答案是b,为什么不是c?说明理由 急,英语填词I've been trying to get it o____ since we had to house painted last year.老师给的答案是Open .但不是get sth done阿?为什么不是opened?请说明理由..急 Excuse me, are you still with me? -------Sorry, I about the composition's due next Monday.A thought B think C am thinking D was thinking 为什么选第四个 请详细解释 不用给答案了 谢谢