请帮我看看这两道题,1Did you see LI MING playing football on the playground just now?(just now 是什么语?)2she found it difficult to do the work.1和2的宾补是什么?还有我看老师上课把2改写成下面两种变形,用这个做

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:58:41
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I took him to the cinema.Whom did you took to the cinema?That man Yes,he's the man whom I took took to the cinema.请帮我看看二三句有没有错,错在什么地方,怎么改 请帮我看看, that's so 请哪位帮我看看是什么 I saw him.Whom did you see?That man?Yes,he's the man whom I saw.帮我看看句子有没有错 请英语高手来帮我看看下面这些句子有没有错误,或者可以改进的地方吗?1.What's your English name?2.Do you like English?3.Are you good at English?4.Did you think you studied English hard in Grade Eight?5.Do you often take trai 请帮我看看这几道题. 请帮我看看这是啥玉 请帮我看看这两道题,1Did you see LI MING playing football on the playground just now?(just now 是什么语?)2she found it difficult to do the work.1和2的宾补是什么?还有我看老师上课把2改写成下面两种变形,用这个做 帮我看看这两道题, 中译英 谁帮我看看翻的对不对 谢谢在现在上海天气14度左右:Shanghai's weather is 14 degrees你面前不敢说天气冷:Did not dare in front of you to say coldly 如果不对请告诉我正确的 谢谢哦 请帮我看看这两题英语选择题怎么选1.——Why did Mr.King look unhappy just now?——He had to wait in a long line.He's just not very[ ]A.modest B.honest c.patient2.——Do you know where is jack?——On the playground.He [ ]football 请大家帮我看看这段简单的英语介绍写得对不对?Hello,everyone!Nice to see you again!I had a relax holiday.I did some interesting things.I went to my sister's house and played happily there.I climbed mountains and soaked the hot sprin 英语好的来帮我看看这个句子对不对.What did you do at five yesterday afternoon? 请帮我看看这句话是表语从句还是状语从句?Go and get your coat.It's ( where ) you left it. 请帮我把下面的英语翻译过来How did you do?请帮我把它翻译过来 请帮我看看1、3、4题, 请帮我看看这句话我写的对吗?which are seasons you like best? 请大家帮我看看这个英语句子有没问题If you want freedom,that's fine because I will give you.If I don't give freedom to you that's no good for me.