My father who is a disigner,my mother who is a housewife,my little cute brother and I who are both

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:59:12
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My father is a farmer,but ( )is yours?A.who C.which D.what My father,who is a great man,is also small. the man_Linda is talking is my father A.who B.with whom which D.that ( )the boy over there?he is my feriend () father is a hotel manager.a.who is;who is.b.whose;whose.c.who is;whose.d.whose;who is. The man ___ my father is talking with is my math teacher.A.who B.which C.what.D./ 为什么选D That is the man to who my father talked just now.改错A is B to C who D just now改哪个并将其改正出来 My father is a my father is a Who is the man over there?It's Mr.Black.He is friend of__.A my fatherB her C my father‘s D me选择哪个啊. He is my father:he is my g( ) My father's mother is my g( ) Have a good d( ) 重排句子组对话.A、He is My uncle、 B、Is this your father?C、Who is he?D、No,he isn't、 ()、()、()、() My father who is a disigner,my mother who is a housewife,my little cute brother and I who are both My father,who __ on the International Olympic Committee all his life,is retiring next month.A.served serving C.had served D.has served 1.My father has made me ( )I am A who B which C what D that2.He is my son ,( )a better son does not exist .A but B than who C against whom D than whom The engineer ____ my father works is about 50 years old.该选哪个?为什么?The engineer ____ my father works is about 50 years whom B.who C.which D.that who is the most iprotant one in my heart my farter,I love MY father MY father is AS a mountain.HE翻译下. -Do you know the tallest man _____ my father is shaking hands with?-Sure ,he is Li Ming's father .A.that B.who C.which D.whom 我选的 D,咋错了呢? This is the room,my father used to live.A where B why C who Dwhen