帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to vis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 23:48:00
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帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to vis 请英语高手给我修改一下这段话的错误帮我改正下语法错误什么的...A:Where would you like to go on vacation?B:I want to go somewhere warm.How about you?A:I'd like to visit Xia Men.B:Could you tell me more about the city?A:Sure. 帮我改正一下 语法什么的.. 一个英文句子,请帮我判断是否有语法错误whe you are happy ,l will happy soon. 如果不对帮我改正下 帮我看下这段英语作文 有没有语法错误什么的 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法错误,怎样改正 检查下对的错的,错帮我改正 检查下对的错的,错帮我改正 请将这段英语中语法错误的,帮我改正下,As an English major student,improving the oral English is not only a task but also a necessity.At the beginning of this term,I was very worried about my English spoken and I was puzzled how can I d 哪位英语大师帮我看看,这里面有没有语法错误,帮忙改正下,It has a vary important role in inequality to learn the mathematical theory ,in terms of the middle school or high school,even college,so it is particularly important to re 翻译有无语法错误,帮我改正下i grow up and finish my study in a beautiful and relatively simple city..during my college years, i study science and economic theory hard,and hope that the living standard will be improved through the advancem 图形什么的 帮我画下 改正英语语法错误下面两段话如果有语法错误,请帮我改正一下.Bill Gates was born in 1955.In the years between 1995 and 2007,he was the richest man in the world.He was not only the founder of Microsoft,but also a philanthropist.H 判断英语语法As for as I am concerned,we’d better pass tests by themselves.It a good time to improve our self-control and self-study ability.请高手帮我看看有哪些语法错误,并帮忙改正,感激不尽 帮我看看有木有语法错误 帮我在这个句子里找个错误,然后改正~Mike is a English boy.(改正) 帮我看下我写的这句话对吗?改正下if your parents are very busy,you can write them a letter.