那到底这两个句子哪个队?his face shining with a confident smile 这个是什么用法为什么说没有动词?是从句?shine 不是动词吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 08:24:44
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那到底这两个句子哪个队?his face shining with a confident smile 这个是什么用法为什么说没有动词?是从句?shine 不是动词吗? 英语翻译his face is shining with a confident smile 这两个句子用哪个?为什么?是什么结构 再举出一个类似的最好 I suggest that Tom habe a little more sleep every day.The expressions on his face suggested that he was upset.请问这两个句子都是宾语从句吗?suggest用虚拟时,后面的句子的谓语必须是动词原形 那请问当as if做虚拟语 spread across his face 还是 over做完形填空题做到这个,答案是across,但我看英文小说看到了spread over his face.到底用哪个? the ——look on his face looks funny. A. surprised B. surpirsing 到底选哪个?老师说是A,网上的老师说是B 这啥意思啊?trouch his face 英语过去式句子里有两个动词,怎么办?原句、如:I clean my tooth and wash my face. 后面的动词要变吗?我到底信谁? 这两个句子哪个错了 He said with a smile on his face 还是in his face那打在他的脸上是用bite on his face还是bite in his face he is big for his age 翻译你们俩的到底谁对啊,我也很纠结到底是哪个答案,这是一道翻译句子的考题 那两个句子 May i know you address 可否用Sure,here you are.回答 还是Sorry i have forgotten.那这两个答案都不对啦?到底选哪个 我想知道这个到底是什么颜色?那这两个呢? one friend of his 还是one friend of him,这两个句子哪个是正确的表达方式,原句是Mary,one friend of ____ ,said to him....空的地方填什么,在him和his当中选择 face,his,look,is,round用这些词语组成一个句子 英语翻译句子里有两个女人,他到底在等哪一个?背景是我喜欢一个男生,可他有女朋友,他同时爱我们两个,可是她的女朋友不爱他,不关心他.他MSN留言是这样的,那他到底选哪个啊? in his twenties in his twenties in his twelfth这两个词组成立吗 那第二个该怎样该 __ was his anger that his face turned red.这个句子为什么选择such?请给出解释,谢谢