He is so difficult boy.有错吗?答案是such a我不明白为何.按我的理解SO+adj.such a +n.还有这个:he often does _works_ about the house.答案是:jobs原因是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 18:28:43
xSn@@t]$ H+bP՝II!<.5jHScIf_BUwys :,T%LQӶab!ѳDN^(G.[0]ieuq$4W*}RwSrYdRɩqi JL%^/4`+YG&cXQ" ,߹SFe+L(vf)^NmP!öӎV"nHlA;z^1 I@6M)hx;'޶Re䰜\EY=Rc&t`}΢ WV#2Cث sʃgSqB++ׯs:pb #A
It was ( )that he could not finish it by himself.A、such difficult work B、so difficult a workC、such a difficult workD、so difficult work He is so w____ that he can work out this difficult problem easily. oh, volleyball is so difficult... It is _question that i can't work it out.A.a so difficult B.so a difficult C.so difficult a 请帮我 Mr Hu is a good teacher.He always makes____ easy to understand some difficult problems.A、that B、so C、this D、it Mr Hu is a good teacher.He always makes__easy to understand some difficult problems.A.that B.so C.this D.it ( )Everyone says that he is difficult to_______,but I don't think so.A.get along B.make friends C.deal with D.talk about Ling feng is really He can work out so many difficult math A.serious B.athletic Csmart 选什么要准确的,别瞎蒙,谢谢 The math problem is so difficult that he can't___ ___ ___.他算不出来. It was_______that he couldn't finish it alone. A.a job difficult so B.so difficult jobC.so difficult a job D.so a difficult答案是C.so 后面不是只能跟形容词么?为什么可以跟job这个名词,还有为什么是so difficult a job,a不可 Bob,please___(listen) to the teacher carefullyThis book is ____,so we can understand it well,but that book is too difficult for us.And he is good at ____basketball.[A.playing B.plays C.to play D.play] Oh,volleyball is so difficult什么意思 Tom is tall, so he sits b() me.tom is tall, so he sits b() me. it's difficult to find a good job now,but in his case,_is not a problem because he was so experiencit is difficult to find a good job now,but in his case,_is not a problem because he was so experienced.A which B where C that D when The work is so difficult that he can't finish it in under a week =The work is so difficult that he can't finish it in 【】【】one week 英语语法 The work is so difficult that he can't finish it in under a weekThe work is so difficult that he can't finish it in _ _ one week (填词) He is ____answer that difficult question?A:so clever to B:too stupid to?我本来选的是A 但是答案是B 为什么?他如此聪明能回答那个困难的问题?不是么? Why everyting is so difficult to me,why?Why everyting is so difficult to me,why?