1.That _______ our English teacher.A.maybe B.may be C.be D.may2.He _____do it right now .A.needs not B.need not C.don`t need D.doesn`t need3.The man ______ his mobile phone on the bus .He was worried.A.forgot B.called C.rang D.left

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:13:41
xQ;N0ʜѲm)$@ml)#۫[PpD5'k$h%.7獝ON+p'[+ENbO-ZWpQ ݈;h; t*CykZt<2gh{n0Jm@5kҞ
(用e填单词)1.We _______(e是第二个字母.是5个字母的单词)our class at 8:30 in the morning.2.this coat is expensive,that one is_______(e是第三个字母.5个字母的单词).3.don't _________(e是第五个字母.6个字母的单词) to they made _______ much noise that our teacher got very angry our teacher said that air _______(keep) moving all the tme —He’s got our tickets.—That’s good.I _______ afraid that he _______ them.为什么用was;had forgotten,am; has forgotten呢 1.______ the meeting himself made us feel excited A our boss attended B our boss's attendingC that our boss will joinD our boss to take part in 2.with thick forest being destoryed.huge quantities of good soil _______ each yearA are washing awayB wash 1.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person _______ she could turn for help.A.that B.whom C.from whom D.to whom2.Last term our maths teacher gave us so difficult an examination problem _______ none of us work out.A.that B.as C.so that D.which 小学6年级英语 会的帮帮手 5分(照例子改) 例:your-yours That is your pen. It's yours. 1.my-( ) This is my book. it's ______.2.her-( ) That is her flower. That flower is_______.3.our-( ) This is our home. This home is _______. Animals are _______ our friends . Some _______ came to our school for a visit that day.A.Germans.B.Germen.C.Germany.D.Germanies 1.I think good health is _______.(无价的)2.It is _______(建议) that the project should be carried out by the end of the year.3.Our school science laboratory is equipped with the latest laboratory _______.(设备)4.If you are determined to correc 7下英语 帮个忙一.I find that it is very important to wash our hands before meals.(改为同义句)二.填单词1.Do you like the dumplings _______ seafood in them?2.We are going to a _______ to watch a play.3.His house is _______ to mine,s That sounds _______(well) People say that we have a lot of things to do with our e habits e的首字母填空 that'just our life They have built three highrises in our neighbourhoodTHree highrises _______ _______ _______ in our neighbourhood打错了,改:THree highrises have _______ _______ _______ in our neighbourhood The number of the students in our school is larger than that _______. 最后用in theirs.还是of mine.The number of the students in this school is larger than that _______. 最后用in theirs.还是of mine. [D57] Our school is no longer _______ it was 10 years ago,_______ it was not well equipped.A.what ; which B.that ; which C.what ; whenD.that ; where翻译并分析. 对应词!her,e _______ brothers _______