两个句子合成一个句子.1.You can speak French.I can speak French,too.2.she hasn't been to Japan.I have't been to Japan ,either3.wilson may attend the meeting.or his wife may attend the meeting4.John weighs 50kg. so does Tom5.i like listeni

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 16:30:41
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请问英语两个句子合成一个句子有什么窍门? 两个句子合成一个句子.1.You can speak French.I can speak French,too.2.she hasn't been to Japan.I have't been to Japan ,either3.wilson may attend the meeting.or his wife may attend the meeting4.John weighs 50kg. so does Tom5.i like listeni you can visit a dentist he will chcck your teeth合成一个含有定语重句的句子 You send me a present.Thank you very much for it.将上面两个句子合成一个定语从句,谢谢! it,how,do,spell,you如何合成一个句子 read,you,can,this组成一个句子 are,not,Tom's,dictionaries,those,合成一个句子 还有下面的you,Tony's,teacher,do,know,math,合成一个句子 like,French,Mike,doesn't,fries,合成一个句子 dpes,brother,have,lunch,you,where,合成一个句子 加上适当的关联词语,把两个句子合成一个句子:我知道了. I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying.——Michael Jordan 改写成非谓语动词形式这相当于两个句子 I can...I can`t...而两个同主语的句子可以合成一个句子 ,要用非谓语动词的形式让其中一个句子 who is he 和do you think 合成一个句子who do you think he is 》 Can you loosen this screw?Can you loose this screw?这两个句子对吗? 将下面每组的两个句子合成一个句子1.他出去了. 他散步2.妈妈叫我 我去买报纸要关联词啊 用上恰当的关联词语,把下列每组的两个句子合成一个句子.1.从小树立为人民服务的思想.长大更好为人民服务. can for what do you party the造一个句子 用can skirt you wear your怎么组成一个句子 my,bring,you,to,can,school,notebook.连成一个句子 年轻的妈妈请大夫.大夫给孩子治病.(将两个句子合成一个句子)快! 年轻的妈妈请大夫.大夫给孩子治病.(用关联词语把两个句子合成一个句子)