vary 英语句子翻译每个国家的房屋建筑结构都不尽相同,然而在每个国家你能发现各式各样的风格.(vary;diverse)其他部分本人会一点点,就是那个vary from...to要怎么用啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:24:11
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vary 英语句子翻译每个国家的房屋建筑结构都不尽相同,然而在每个国家你能发现各式各样的风格.(vary;diverse)其他部分本人会一点点,就是那个vary from...to要怎么用啊? Opinion vary from individual to individual,from culture to culture.请帮我翻译成汉语,祝你新年快乐! Customs vary from country to country. vary surprisingly little from country to country Opinions vary from person to person.翻译 vary from A to 怎么使用 vary from culture to culture是什么意思 vary..from.. 英语翻译However,people is opinions about it vary from person to person.做一篇阅读中出现的,尤其是后半句vary from person to person.那个单词是vary,不是very,听听精通英语人的解释~ vary,range from...to的区别vary, range from...to的区别是什么呢? Prices in this shop vary all the way from $50 to$500.(这个句子的谓语动词呢? Attitudes towards life vary from person to person. Views vary from person to person.该如何翻译? 求英语高手,为什么这个句子要这样写?(湖北完成句子)79.In the tent,there were many children from the earthquake- stricken area,____________________ from 10 to 17.(vary)在这个帐篷里,有许多震区的孩子,他们的年龄从 vary from A to B ,range from A to B 的区别,请给详解 用英语给以下短语造句:be about to…when.vary from to.make one's way.glance through请分开造句,另外要有汉语 vary between A and B与vary from A to B 有什么不同吗,请详细分析下 学习英语遇到些问题求解答.可能是我语法的问题,经常看到一些英语句子单词全都认识但是句子看不懂.1 Views on the issue in question vary from person to person.(..无法理解.2 The methods of farming and slaughter