_______by his granddaughter,thr old man walked very slowly.单选:A.Being supparted 老师说这是 正在被搀扶?B.Supparted 被搀扶?C.To suppart 要加宾?D.Be suppsrted 被动式不是be done 干嘛不选D?为什么选B,我要各个选项的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:31:13
xSN`|iCf g9lD-R܈i,__̃-Yyy^؛QvVmt2)oolԜT̡L*i#ުI^|*ڍj׌żI[ f\ʸV$ 8mQt+mhԸ'"~.kי'ER>':S=)ɼ*`+*Jf*"7>pZcggvuY5s~Tɭd"HA / lVחAY D ZWѺv3AkXVZ[RKxt%Ŭ&d `2ՏԶvʠ&lA}#)tB:VBLx?BPF&UhkķՀ8v;||~#7 fdwK%tDݶt<-=:] ,ЈK <+EP``jc<$< ~,a&`>zĻPC3 DN/wI˨ 8,N'f尹֤6 V|~hxeЍJP KkR8\8/ 3\>B&u*XZN>2`-ޯ,Ft%1_ /+3D
it was reported that Mr smith _______by the police for riding his bicycle while drunk.killed ,had been shot ,caught ,has been caught .为什么选最后一个? the baby _______by his grandparents from Monday to FridayA was taken care B was taken care ofC was looked at D took care of _______by the police again,the thief hung his head.A.Being caught B.Caught C.Having c_______by the police again,the thief hung his head.A.Being caught B.Caught C.Having caught D.To be caught为什么选B 小偷被抓不是be caught吗?A C为什么错 _______by his granddaughter,thr old man walked very slowly.单选:A.Being supparted 老师说这是 正在被搀扶?B.Supparted 被搀扶?C.To suppart 要加宾?D.Be suppsrted 被动式不是be done 干嘛不选D?为什么选B,我要各个选项的 I like the songs by Tian Zhen. I like the song ______ _______ _______by Tian Zhen. his His june is one of the best students in our class who _______by their theater.A are praised B is prisejune is one of the best students in our class who _______by their theater.A are praisedB is prised C praised D praising 1、Can you tell ma when _____for london?A:leaving B:to leave 2、ALL the children _______by the nurses A:are well taken care of B:take good care ofC:are taken good careD:take good care his mind ()his work 1.Did you see Xiao Li at the party?--No,_______by the time I arrived.为什么填she‘d left而不是she must leave?2 They have been in the library since_______为什么填eight o‘clock不填it had been open?3.Return the tools to_______ gave the 英语翻译1.我没有把握这地方是否是野生动物的理想家园.I____ _____ _____ _____this place is the ______ _______ _______wild animals.2.他被车撞了,幸运的是,他伤得不重.Oh,he_____ _______by a car.Luckily,he_______ _______ 英语连词填空Are we going to have the contest today_______ tomorrow?He tried hard_______ be was unsuccessful.You can go either by boat _______by car .My sister is twaiting for me ,_______I must be off now.Men ________women , old _______ young, a If the building project _______by the end of this mouth is delayed,the construction company ________fined.A.will be completed;is to be B.to be completed.;will beC.being completed;will be.D.completed ;was请解释为什么选B,根据什么, 1.我们深受鲁迅作品的影响. We_______ _______ _______by Lu Xun's works.2.安妮对他们的儿子有积极的影响.Ann _______ _______ _______ _______ _______their son.3.研究表明天气会影响人们的行为.Research has shown that the The modern world _______still _______by histhoughts about life.A.is ;influenced B.is ;influence C.are influenced D.is;influencingSome stories _______the child by the motherevery night.A.are told for B.are told to C.is told to D.is told forMark Twain She was _______by the news that she was likely to be out of hospital in a day or twoA pulled up B cheered up C blocked out D prevevted from选什么,是第一个吗,句子什么意思啊第二个吗 his所有格