帮我用英语回答一下下面的四个问题吧if you could be remembered for one thing what would you want it to be?if you were guaranteed honest answers to any 3 questions,whom and what would you ask?is there anything you would willingly give y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 14:12:18
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帮我用英语回答一下下面的四个问题吧if you could be remembered for one thing what would you want it to be?if you were guaranteed honest answers to any 3 questions,whom and what would you ask?is there anything you would willingly give y 帮我回答下面的英语问题 谁帮我翻译一下这篇文章 并且回答下面问题 帮我回答一下括号里的问题 下面的问题,用英语回答 帮我用英语回答几个下面的问题谢谢了~1.你认识的法国2.what is your opinion about the city of paris 3.have you been to france If not would you to go?4.where do you live5.if you wanted to go to france,how would you get there6.would 请帮我回答一下下面的英语题,1.谁在那里唱歌?Listen!_____ ______over there?2.妈妈在给我包饺子Mum is______dumplings ______me now3.他总是提一些奇怪的问题He ______always _____some strange questions 帮我翻译一下下面的英语短文, “校训用英语怎么翻译?有时间的朋友,拜托帮我回答一下我问问里提出的其他关于翻译的问题. 谢谢~ 请回答下面四个问题, 到达机场的英语怎么说?麻烦帮我回答一下! 请帮我用英文回答下面的问题,要回答的问题:please describe your bedroom to me? 求求你们回答一下下面的问题吧. .What would you say if someone wants to borrow money from you?用英语回答一下上边的问题, 我有答案你帮我回答一下2楼我问的上个问题,你帮回答下加群 164847555 仔细思考一下再回答我的问题译成英语 回答下面英语问题 question about chinese tea来个英语比较好的,帮我提个简单的有关中国茶文化的英语问题,并用英语回答一下,演讲时要用,