我想问为什么不能说if you listen to me,i will give you some advice而要说成 急

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 20:21:10
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我想问为什么不能说if you listen to me,i will give you some advice而要说成 急 if you will listen to me,i will give you some advice我想问为什么不能说if you listen to me,i will give you some advice而要说成 急 if it is convenient for you 为什么不能说成if you are convenient中文不是说如果你方便的话的吗?是你做主语的 我想问 为什么不能选D? if后不加能加or not 课本上说不能,但一个外国人说i don't know if you are studying or not,为什么不是说的,是写下来的 if you quote your keenest prices for the goods list below 中的 keenest 前为什么不加the 为什么不能说Can you make cake? if (query.list() = null && query.list().isEmpty()) {}为什么要写两遍判断? -will you go shopping with us?-if you don't,_____shall i,我想问一下为什么不可以填i won't,在此谢过 “you will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket”我想问下为什么这句的let后面要加s啊? The question came up at the meeting ____ we had not enough money for our research.有that,what,if,whether可选答案选whether,我想问为什么不能选if或what有的解析上选that, 问 一道虚拟语气题If you sit beside the driver in the taxi,you( ask) ________to fasten your seat belt as a faety measure.答案是are asked 我填的是would be asked 为什么不能是我填的那个啊.或者说,will be asked 不可以啊. 英语语法题(高中)How I wish i had studied harder when i was in senior school!If you had,you_____a university student now.A are B would be C should D were答案选B 在这里我想问一下为什么不能选D? If you write a shopping list,把If放在句中组成的句子是 我想问一下do与BE动词的区别就像where do you think of game shows 为什么不能把do换成are,在具体说下do和BE动词的用法区别,说区别的时候不要只说一般疑问句!还有各位大哥大姐们我才初一,一定要说 为什么进不了晋江文学城,开网站就显示这ERROR - This domain doesn't exist in white list !The following error occurred:The requested domain was not found in allowed List. If you want add this domain in allowed list,please contact your s 问各位老师一道英语题 谢谢If you spoke clearly,you would_____A understand it B have understood C have been understood D be understood 答案选择的事D 请问为什么不能选A呢 希望详细解释一下 谢谢 我想问下,有个女生对你说,我喜欢你,但不能和你在一起,