All people___they are older or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in needsince the disaster.A.even if B.whether matter D.however

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 05:16:38
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All people___they are older or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in needsince the disaster.A.even if B.whether matter D.however 含有all;al;ar;air的词有什么? air、ear,给单词加一个字母,变成另一个新词每个两个,急 AR RETURN AR,CP, AR是什么意思 含有AI,AY,AL,AU,AR,AR的不同读音英语单词用含有某两个字母发这个音的单词AI,AY发plAY,rAIn的音.AL,AU发aLL,AUtump的音.第一个ar发pARty的音.第二个ar发wARm的音.大写是起强调作用. 含的英语单词 带other,uck,in,end,et,all,old,eat,ea,low,ow,eet,s_eep,ill,it,at,ate,oon,an,ay,ard.,ar,ish,op,的单 There are all kinds of trains in the world.Trains can 1 people,animals or things.Some trains ar求翻译 英语翻译Tsavedi all 1 kviriani shvebuleba maq kojorshi aq ar viqnebi gkocneti yvelani dzaan miyvarxart momenatrebit 翻译成中文或者英文都可以! Problem 5 Find equations of all planes that pass through the points (1,1,1) and (2,0,1) and also ar ( )ard,( )ard,ar( ),( )( )ar( ) 怎么填? [Ar]3d54s2中的[Ar]是什么意思?rt u ar nothing u ar nothing 读出下列单词,判断画线部分的读音是否相同1m[ay]----d[ay] 2t{all}---b[all} 3d[o]-----g[o] 4[wh]en---[wh]ere 5m[ee]t---b[ee] r6g[i]ve---f[i]ve 7h[a]ve---c[a]ke 8f[ar]m---p[ar]k Some hobbies are very expensive,but others don't cost anything______A.first of allC.of all all请问应选哪个?为什么?请分析详细一些. ar的中文是什么意思.