分析两个英语句子1.Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane,you can be an armchair traveler through books..2.Everyone who is interested in reading will find pleasure in books as he fights on to learn more and more that new language.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:16:36
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(分析两个句子) 分析两个英语句子1.Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane,you can be an armchair traveler through books..2.Everyone who is interested in reading will find pleasure in books as he fights on to learn more and more that new language. 麻烦解决下下面几题英语,再讲解分析一下,1.The students _______ (stop)talking when the teacher came in.2.( ) I said _______ for her to copy my homework.A.I don’t think it was a good idea B.I didn’t think it was a good ideaC.I thoug 请大家帮忙分析两个英语句子Even demographics are working against the middle class family,as the odds of having a weak elderly parent have jumped eightfold in just one generation 请着重分析一下AS的成分和含义 ,个人觉得像 even with 的意思,顺便造两个句子, 请各位帮我分析英语句子成分!The donut tastes so good,even my teeth want to smile.中逗号后面的句子是什么成分?是什么从句? 英语高手请进(分析长难句)sentence 1: They do not seem to try as hard, as does the oldest child, to be parental and adult even during chilhood.这个句子,很简单. 问题在于 “as does the oldest child,” 这里用了两个逗 麻烦大家帮我分析下这个英语句子的句子成分!Even though they are on sale ,these cars are equal in price to,if not more expensive than ,( )at the other store.A.anyone B.that C.these D.the ones答案为the ones,哪些是两个逗号之 英语:并分析句子结构 托福TPO12中一个句子的结构分析.请高手帮忙分析一下这个句子的结构:Thoug it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920's predicted that sound film would be a technical novel 英语句子语法结构分析,a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime.请帮忙分析一下which在句中的用法,以及which指代什么词, 两个句子转换英语 两个完成句子 英语 两个英语句子, even then all I could make out was that someone colled Milly had had a very bad accident请哪位老师为我翻译一下这句话并分析一下句子结构.这里为什么有两个“had”? 二个英语句子分析/高一【急】1.He will be wearing sneakers and perhaps a light sweater.为什么这里要用将来进行时而不用将来时?2.make him an even stronger competitor.make后面可直接加名词? 翻译此句(英语),并分析句子结构!Strategies are okayed in boardrooms that even a child would say are bound to fail. The problem is there is never a child in the Boardroom . 请牛人帮我分析一下这个英语句子.Unfortunately,modern motorists can't even learn to drive,let alone master the subtler aspects of roadsmanship.在这里“let alone”是什么词性呢?还有“master” 都做什么成分呢?后半句