请教以下两段英文造句哪里做的不对?1.How long will you stay abroad?I’ll spent 5 years to complete my education abroad.Have you visited any foreign country before?No,I haven’t.Do you have a passport?Have you got a visa?2.How has Jane

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 21:03:53
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请教以下两段英文造句哪里做的不对?1.How long will you stay abroad?I’ll spent 5 years to complete my education abroad.Have you visited any foreign country before?No,I haven’t.Do you have a passport?Have you got a visa?2.How has Jane 请教以下4句英文造句哪里做的不对?1.Please tell me the exact time the meeting will start,so I can inform all the guests the meeting be delayed to what time.2.You should make yourself at home,you can do anything or invite anyone to stay w 请教英文造句哪里做的不对?never hardly ever seldom sometimes often usually alwaysI always drink tea,usually I make and taste the first infusion of tea in the morning,but I often drink the cup of tea until dusk.Sometimes I’d like to taste 第八题.我做的哪里不对. 请教国际象棋中各种棋子的英文称呼.还差个卒子呢。好像都不对耶 哪里可以下到fever pitch的英文版啊? 哪里可以下到好一点的英文有声读物 ★★求3篇英文作文.要3篇英文的作文.字数在800字左右.希望回答的人,不要大量的复制粘贴著名的文章!或者能提供几段优美的英文段落也可以.文章围绕以下3个主题:1.A new flavor to our life2.If I h 请教我做造句 Water---survive 请教两道高一化学关于化学平衡移动的题,谢谢1.利用反应2NO(g)+2CO(g)2CO2(g)+N2(g) △H= -746.8Kj/mol,可净化汽车尾气,如果要提高NO的转化率,请解释以下两种方法为何不可行?①充入N2;②及时将CO2和N2 请教做外贸的,笔灯翻译成英文是啥? 2MnO4-+3H2O2+6H+___2Mn2++4O2+6H2O哪里配的不对?为什么? 请教各位这一首英文歌曲名这段视频8分钟开始的背景音乐叫什么名字 有机物的化学结构式写几个化学结构式如以下的CH4H|H---C---H|H如果有同素异型就麻烦标出来如三种戍烷中的两种(1) H H H H H| | | | |H---C---C---C---C---C---H| | | | | H H H H H(2) H H H| | |H---C---C---C---H| | |H | 第四题,这样做可以么?不对的话请教我 请教以下俩组短语的差异在哪里?a lot of responsibility 和a lot of responsibilities. 有谁知道以下这段英文的意思是什么?最长的那一段. 停止做某事英文造句