请帮我把几个英语句子改成被动语态1.Does the doctor examine the children every year?2.I taught him how to read the English words?3.She gave me a very nice present on my birthday 4.He will introduce me to his friends 5.Charles Dickens wr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 15:41:42
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帮我把一句英语句子改成被动语态的.What made them so worried?改成被动语态的句子,还是要疑问句的不要改成陈述句. 改成被动语态(英语)1 He has to make the bed yesterday.2 they must have mistaken steven.请大家帮我改成被动语态的句子 英语的 帮我把下面的句子改成被动语态我在中午12点吃午饭我们尊敬他她经常在家弹钢琴他总是把瓶子打烂他们唱一首英文歌帮我翻译并改成被动语态 把这个英语句子改成被动语态Do you always send a letter to Mr Hu? 帮我把这个句子改成被动语态he doesn't show the stamps to me 请帮我把几个英语句子改成被动语态1.Does the doctor examine the children every year?2.I taught him how to read the English words?3.She gave me a very nice present on my birthday 4.He will introduce me to his friends 5.Charles Dickens wr 请帮我用被动语态造五个句子并改成否定句和疑问句,急用是英语,今天要用的啊, 把下列句子改成被动语态,一空一词 . 请帮我造几个英语的句子.被动语态.现在完成时.定语从句 各找15个句子如果回答迅速的话我会追加分. 把这个英语句子改成被动语态What does the teacher often tell the boys to do 请把下列两个句子改成被动语态1.Do people drink coffee in CHINA?2.You didn't check the settings. 英语改成被动语态,求教,能否帮我把下面的句子改成被动语态,1.Farmers pick up bananas in antumn.2.We don't play football in our school.3.Make broke the window yesterday.4.You should clean your classroom every day.5.My mother wate 改成被动语态,英语, 改成被动语态 英语 请帮我找英语被动语态的题目 英语中 怎样把主动语态改成被动语态 大家帮我一下、把这个英语句子改成被动语态的“everyone in the country is singing the beautiful song不懂英语的我…就一句话、大侠们快点…很急… 请把句子改为被动语态!