I was________(surprise)at the news.说出原因过去式有了be 动词,后面的应该是动词原形吧?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:59:29
I was________(surprise)at the news. The boy was________(lost) I was________(surprise)at the news.说出原因过去式有了be 动词,后面的应该是动词原形吧? alone/lonely(1)Though I was________,I didn't feel__________.(2)I felt ____at the _____village.(3)The children stays at home __________.(4)She________at the ________old woman. Confucius was________(bear)there. he was________(surprise)at the_________(surprise)news. 英语紧急提问 ,同义句 转换The station was very crowded and I can’t find my sister(同义句)It was________ crowded in the station _____ ______ _______ find my sister. 歌词里面有I NEED YOU BABY是一个外国女生唱的,歌并不属于HIP-HOP那一类的,比较抒情MV的内容是这个女孩子喜欢一个男生,可是那个男生对她很冷淡,但是后来才发现这个男生是为了给她办一个SURPRI Translate into Chinese correctly,PleaseLebron Jame drove to the basket,the lane surprisingly clear.He reach out toward the rim,rolled the ball off his fingertipsAnd missed again and agian.I really don't know the means of the sentence the lane surpri What is the rank of Chinese crime rate in the world?I think China also has crime problem.There are many illiterates in China.They don't have any job skills and social skills,their innner quality is very low and speak too much dirty words.To my surpri 英语翻译1.You may rely on it that everything will be ready by Monday.2.I knew nothing about his journey except that he was likely to be away for three months.3.The fact that doctors recommend that children with hypertension drink coffee is surpri The girl's doll was lost,She was________(happy) amusing(ed) confusing(ed) exhausting(ed) annoying(ed) disgusting(ed) interesting(ed)boring(ed) exciting(ed) 填词ind 还是ed!I’ve got nothing to do,I'm__________.The teacher's explanation was________.Most of the studen's didn 名词性从句的题目1._______ the flight to Shanghai will be delayed is ________ I’m especially worried about.A:Whether;what B:Whether;that C:When;what D:How;that为什么选A不选C?2._______ the old man's sons wanted to know was________ the g Her bedroom was tidy.(改为同义词)Her bedroom was________._______该填什么 他发现她已不在那里工作了 汉译英He found that she was________ __________ working there be kind of等于?The recitation was kind of boring.(保持原句意思)The recitation was________ _________boring. When Kari was over fifty,he began to learn Russian.When Kari was________ his ________,he began to learn Russian