这句有语病吗?:i want to make friend with you to learn english

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:35:00
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这句有语病吗?:i want to make friend with you to learn english i want to thanks our teacher这句话有语病吗I want to thanks our teacher to taught us tonight.这句话有语病吗 I want to fly to the sky with myself有语病吗?为什么? i just want my life to change better in future,这句话有语病吗. Just want to say I miss you.这句有么有语病 I don't want to be a failure,But I have always been a loser.这句话有语病吗? 这句话有语病吗?英语翻译what i want to do is pacticing my speaking english and writing english 请问I wanna my life 这句话能翻译吗?wanna=want to ,want to do sth,我个人认为这是句有语病的句子 I want to learn about more English 是否有语病?这句话是否有语病?I want to learn more about English呢? I will have plenty of time to do everthing i want to do.这句话有语病吗?若有求帮忙修改 这话有语病吗?有什么错误I want to qive photos back to you,because it does not belong to me,I will try hard to live better than you to prove that you are wrong! 帮忙这句话有没有语病The time help me to tell you what I want to say.单三.时态.各种语病都找出来. I do really want her back这句话有语病吗?和i really want her back 有区别吗? I want to be devoted myself to making our school more better.帮忙修改下,是不是有语病 the happiness that I want is so far away form me,这句有没有语病? that is all i want from you这句话这么说有语病吗 急,麻烦各位帮我看看这篇作文有什么语病吗,谢谢Today is Saturday September 3rd 2011.When I got up at 6:45,it is so little time for me to catch the early bus that i had to ride to school in a hurry. When i got to school ,there was ma I just want to prove that I am the best in your heart.翻译:我就是想证明在你心中我是最棒的.请问各位这句英文对吗?有语病吗?应该怎么样?谢谢