根据要求写句子.1:I'd like (some bread) for breakfast.【对括号部分提问】What Wound like forbreakfast?2:I like ice-cream.(变为一般疑问句)Do you like ice-cream?3:The pork is too salty.(翻译成中文)猪肉很咸.4:那听

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 03:10:48
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1、根据要求写句子. 根据要求写句子.1:I'd like (some bread) for breakfast.【对括号部分提问】What Wound like forbreakfast?2:I like ice-cream.(变为一般疑问句)Do you like ice-cream?3:The pork is too salty.(翻译成中文)猪肉很咸.4:那听 根据要求写句子.1:I like (music and Chinese.)【对括号部分提问】2:Is your moral education teacher tall?(作否定回答)3:I watch Tv on weekends.(变为一般疑问句) 按要求该写句子改写句子1 I would like to have some porridge and onions.[改为同义句】 一、根据汉语提示完成句子.1.I'd like to ( ) ( ) ( ).(帮他一个忙)我写漏了一个( 应该是连续四个括号才对。 I.请根据题后括号中的要求改写下列句子,每空一词(含所写)1.Lily does her homework at home in the evening.(改为否定句)Lily______ ______ her homework at home in the evening.2.I'd like to have a trip to Beijing to watch 根据提示完成句子 I'd like to spend twenty ____(many) minutes in bed. I‘d like to 【和.待在一起】my s根据汉语提示完成句子tudents 按要求完成句子1、I’d like to become(a member of the Dancing Club).(对括号提问) 根据句子意思补全对话:A :what can i do_you? B: i'd like a _of shoes. A: _ _ do you like? B: red 错误句子,要求更正 :1.I'd like to some ballons.2.Does Ben and his brother like cartoos?3.What do it mean 二、His grandpa needs a pair of ( ) when he reads newspapers.三、根据答句提问题 -----I play the piano .四、翻译:1.昨 in and write.( 想一想,根据要求写句子) 1.I walk a dog after supper.(用who提问)_________________ I 'd like (shopping)中间写什么 根据要求改写句子, 根据要求改写句子. 根据要求完成句子! 根据课文内容写一个句子,要求用上“因为.所以.” 帮我回答一些关于英语的题目,一,根据下列要求完成下列句子1.I like basketball.(改成否定句)2.I like reading.(改成一般疑问句)3.We like walking.(改成一般疑问句)二.根据句意或首字母补全句子1.I am