(He)is(taller)than Tom.的意思要清楚!有理由 “()”可替换!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 16:00:16
He is taller than anyone else in his class.(同义句转换)He is taller than ( ) ( ) ( )in his class. 1 He is tall 2 His brother is taller(合并为一句话)His brother is taller than _His brother is taller than _ _ 可不可以说:He is taller than I am 通常都是说:he is taller than me那有这种说发的么:He is taller than I am (能翻译得出来么这句话?呵呵呵) he is taller than any other student in his class 同义句=he is taller than ()()()in his class. (He)is(taller)than Tom.的意思要清楚!有理由 “()”可替换! He is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句) 用student或students填空:He is taller than any other ( ) in his class. He is ( )than me.1、tall 2、taller 3、tallest.选择理由 He is taller than me 的同义句是什么?(两个) He is taller than ____ ____ ____in his class.(2个同义句) 英语:He is taller than I / me? he is taller than me杂翻译 He is many taller than befor 英文同义句练习1 He can't win the match.He ( ) ( ) ( ) to win the match.2 Tom is the tallest students in my class.Tom is taller ( ) ( ) ( ) student in my class.Tom is taller ( ) ( ) ( ) students in my class.( ) ( ) is taller than To 是He is taller than I 还是He is taller than me 原因 应用He is taller than me还是He is taller than I 句子改错 He is more taller than me.He is more taller than me. He is taller than I.这句话对吗?还是要换成He is taller than me.