这个句子里有好几处错误 :There are quite ___ ___mistakes in the sentence

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:55:20
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这个句子里有好几处错误 :There are quite ___ ___mistakes in the sentence 英语翻译这个句子什么时候用?有好几种意思吧? This is a expensive sofa.这个句子有什么错误? There is going to have a game this afternoon.请指出这个句子的错误 There's only girl in the room.这个句子有错误吗? 英语好的大虾们,麻烦看看这个5年级英语句子!We see different animals there.(此处 there 指动物园)这个句子有没有错误?如有请指出 没有请说明原因!不关注时态. 请问一个英语短句.as there should be a limited amout of disposable income consumers are ableto spend,people try to allocate their budgets.请问这个句子有错误吗?错误怎么改? There are many funny places in Zhuhai.这个句子有错误吗?或者有什么更好的的表达方法? 一个简单的英语句子...帮忙看看对错but she only has a a fly in the ointment ,there are some pocks in her face .这个句子有没有错误,如果没有,可以尽量修改的更好点 改错题:How about are we going there?这个句子哪里有错误,请给出解题详情. i have become a little bad in behavior and ideas.这个句子有什么错误之处吗 there are still many advantages to keeping a pet.这个句子里为啥是to doing? 帮忙看一下这个句子I have never seeen a mirrow that didnt appear properly.这个句子里 的appear问题出在哪里?这个词不是有显现的意思吗?如果错误,应该换成什么单词? 有个英语句子不明白我在一本书上看见 there're some food are on sale.这个句子出现两个be动词,我认为这个句子是错误的.这是不是书本印刷的错误? 帮忙看看这个英文句子有没有错误There is no one else for whom to turn to,is there?如果有错,哪错,为什么?没错就说下 The only problem was there was nothing much.这个句子有错误吗?为什么there之前没有that,表语从句中的that不可省略啊. I beg your pardon.翻译下 这个句子什么时候用?有好几中意思吧? we must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.这句英语句子有什么错误?改正过来.