填介词:The teacher asks the students to keep their hands_____their backs.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:02:15
填介词:The teacher asks the students to keep their hands_____their backs. Our teacher is very kind,she always asks us_______.填介词、应该是:Our teacher is very kind,she always asks us_______our life.上面打错了 The teacher asks us ______________(not clean)the classroom every.到底填什么? the teacher asks me how many students ____ in ththe teacher asks me how many students ____ in the classroom填are there 还是there are?为什么 The teacher asks us ( )homework at school空格里应填do还是does The card is______our art teacher横线上填介词 The teacher is good()Chinese and music.填什么介词 simon walked ( ) his desk( ) the teacher's desk 填介词 Thomas is crying.the teacher asks him The teacher asks us to doExercise One. 老师要求我们反复读书:The teacher asks us to read books ___ ___ ___ ___ .怎么填?老师要求我们反复读书:The teacher asks us to read books ___ ___ ___ ___ .怎么填? Please give the ball Jenny.(填介词)Please give the ball Jenny.(填介词)We have a job for you a teacher.(填介词)快 the chinese teacher is standing _____ the back of the classroom 填介词 The teacher is giving ___ the new books to the students填介词或副词 填介词your teacher will ask you to compare the information__details__her fri填介词your teacher will ask you to compare the information__details__her friend's e-mails 根据单词首字母填空Tom,our teacher asks you to go to the teacher's o___o___横线上填以o为单词首字母的单词. what is the teacher telling the students____?___该填什么介词 we answer the teacher”s questions_____the beginning of the class.(填介词),