英语翻译Recruiting the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task.Appointing the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department.And,as every HR Manager knows,it i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 15:05:50
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recruiting the well educated youngrecruiting 是什么意思 英语翻译1 anticipation of promotion2 the transferred employees'familiarity with the organisation 3 online recruiting will keep some qualified applicants of low income families outdoors and isn't appropriate for recruiting employees for jobs of lo 英语翻译But wherever it is raining applications,colleges have helped seed the clouds-by recruiting widely and aggressively for ever more applicants. how many people the company is recruiting/how many people the company is recruiting?和 how many is the company recruiting?哪句话语法正确?我怎么总感觉前面的对啊 可书上却是后面的 郁闷.. 英语翻译Competitive events began informally in 1973 and more official competitionsemerged in the following years.Since then,wheelchair basketball has become a collegiate sport,recruiting top athletes from the junior divisions.Wheelchair basketbal 英语翻译Graduate Employment The recruiting fair in the above drawing is filled with young graduates each holding a pile of resumes in their hands.Around a desk in the front of the drawing,there are dozens of students waiting to hand in their resu 英语翻译Recruiting the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task.Appointing the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department.And,as every HR Manager knows,it i 那位好心人帮我修改一下英语作文,语法 ,拼写错误,等等A Recruiting Poster of Student Volunteers' AssociationToday the Recruiting poster of student volunteer' Association will find new student volunteers' ,That is a good chance ,Tha 英语翻译1.Foster demand in prime recruiting channels2.Select and screen for cultural fit and potential for success3.Create a first-class new hire program 英语翻译翻译:Make it more international by recruiting fluent English speaking staff and also include international dishes in your menu as you are serving customers from many countries 英语翻译1、Foster demand in prime recruiting channels2、Select and screen for cultural fit and potential for success3、Create a first-class new-hire orientation 英语高手帮忙看一下有没有语法错误I am an Administrative at the currentcompany.My major job is assisting the recruiting work of HR,including but notlimited to employee registration,resignation,filing management,trainingscheduling,etc.I Most of the experts are____from abroad.A)recruit B)recruited C)recruitingMost of the experts are____from abroad.A)recruit B)recruited C)recruiting麻烦谁可以告诉我选哪个?为什么?以及这句话翻译. 英语翻译Let (S,R) be a poset.Show that (S,R^-1) is also a poset,where R^-1is the inverse of R. 英语翻译why is the letterRlike Christmas?Because it comes at the end of Dcember 英语翻译the superme happiness of my life is the conviction that we r loved 英语翻译In a larger hotel,the receptionist welcomes and r ____________ the guests. 英语翻译The electron at the radius r experienced a repulsion from the total charge within the sphere of radius r;charge outside that radius has no net effect