
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 19:39:33
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●ω●this和it's发音的问题.1.this读re还有de?正常应该是re吧?可是我听教材好像都是读de?2.it's连读是读“i次”吗?如果是:那为什么这样读,有什么根据?3.还有what's连读好像也是“我次”~为什么 this和is的s发音相同吗? book和good 的oo发音相同么?还有this和please的s. 问大家一个英语的语音问题.What's the problem?和What's the matter?为什么美国人前者的the发音了而后者的没有发音?还有一个问题是It's the top of the line.和It's a state of the art printer.这两个中,为什么前者 用这些a an are is these this it's what回答下面问题1.what (is) this?----this is an arm 2.what is (it's)?----It's (a)hand 3.what (are)these?-----(these)are feet 4.(what)is this ---------(this)hair 我做的哪一些对呀? It's和This is的区别?Whose's this pen?It's my son's.This is his pen.这是课本中的原话,可到了做练习的时候题目答案是这样的:Whose's this dress.It's my son's.It's his dress.请问This is和It's有什么区别?这样用对么? like hospital it this 发音不同的单词 this was这个词在美语口语连读时具体的发音was 这个词在美语口语连读时具体怎么发音?this was my...这was里的s读s还是z?1.this was 这个词在美语口语连读时具体怎么发音?2.this was my...这was里的s读s还 提几个简单的英语问题哈1.What letter is this and what color is it?翻译句子2.字母有些和单词同音:如C与sea(大海)(1).What letter can you drink(2).Which letter can fiy?3.A:Thank you.B:That's____ ____.A:And____ this?B:It's this 和it 的区别 it 和this的区别 关于is this a handbag这句的问题is this a handbag,这句能不能改成is it a handbagis it a car能不能改成is this a car?总之问题就是it和this区别在哪里,为什么? 回答问题补充说明的问题1.______?It's a birb.2._____?(猫)yes,it is.3.______?(女孩)This is Han Mei-mei._____?She is eleven.4.Are those bananas?____,_____.(三根) What's this?的答语:It's A.和It's an A以及It's an A.哪个正确?What's this?的答语:It's A.和It's an A.以及It's an A.哪个正确? this is it 和is this it的区别 英语发音 既然有清清,浊浊,元浊的发音规则,为什么this中s却不发z而发s this和thank的th发音是否相同 think和this中th的发音同吗