______there are a large number of chemical factories,the air is likely to be polluted.A.Once B.Where C.As D.That我只是不知道该怎么排除as{Where }there is a will,there is a way.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 18:34:28
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1、______there enough good news in today's newspaper?A Is B.Are C.Were D.Was请问选什么 Do you know how ______there are?There are eleven players in a football team,one _____than in a volleyball team._______careful when you play football! On ___side of the street there are a lot of high buildings,______there?A、both;is B、each;are C、every;isn't D、either;aren't The present political ______in that country is unstable .As a result,the working ______there are terrible.A.state;situations B.condition ;stiuationsC.stiuation;conditions D.condition;states .I hope to go to Nanjing one day,______there are many places of interest there.A.though B.because C.so D.and选什么为什么? ______there a football game on TV today (杠上填什么) a la ”a la this rome is jane ____ and hele ______there are tom _____ and jack ______ computers .the urite one they had a two howrs ______ and a half _____ talk the students _________ bikes are heh**d the beautiful. 改错 Do you have a lot of works to do tonight?______ Mathematics are not easy to learn.______There are a piece of good news._____He is one of my best friend.______ la jeune Fille a la ______there are a large number of chemical factories,the air is likely to be polluted.A.Once B.Where C.As D.That我只是不知道该怎么排除as{Where }there is a will,there is a way. He is one of my friends.(改为同义句) He is a friend_____ ______there are some differences between mary and kate.mary____ ___  __kate Main dans la main,jusqu'a la fin de la 西班牙语:la mayoría de la la-bl+lc-bl+la-cl(a There is a snowman there.(改为复数句) There ______ ______ ______there. ______there _____(be) a football match in our school this Firday