二战英语“world war II” ,二为什么是用罗马数字呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 21:49:49
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二战英语“world war II” ,二为什么是用罗马数字呢? World War II 怎么读 英语翻译不是smoke free吗?还有 Mike bought the farm in the World War II.为什么译成麦克在二战中阵亡了?有没有与英语里某些习惯,故事什么的有关? post-world war II generation指什么? world war II(II 读什么two还是second) 战士:二战英雄(Soldiers: Heroes of World War II)中的虎式坦克炮塔快速旋转的补丁?战士:二战英雄中的虎式坦克的炮塔旋转太慢,有没有瞬间旋转的补丁啊? World war II 怎么读 要的是语音 World War I中的I应该读one还是first?World War II中的II应该读two还是second? Western Economic Integration after World War II!~What were the factors tha hindered Western Economic Integration after World War II? How far had these obstacles been solved by 1970?是用英语解释 !~ 不是翻译 请问world war II到底怎么读啊?需要权威的答案啊是the second world war world war the second?还是world war two?还是. Between World War II and the Korean War,there was a five year interlude of peace. World War II怎样发音啊念得时候是说the second world war 还是world war two?亦或是其他的读法? 一句话的中英文对比The generation that fought in World War II and survived came out of the war with a sense of pride in Australia's capabilities.这句话翻译成中文是:参加过二战并活着回来的那一代澳大利亚人,由此产 急 英语 world war 2 menorial 信息 world war World war Ann lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World war II 填写Thyey were the ___(hero) of thy WORLD WAR II