Many people move from the countryside to cities for work.为什么countryside不加复数,而city要加复

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 03:43:25
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Surprising move many rich people support every year many people move to the cities翻译 改同义句Many people move from the countryside to cities______ ______原句是Many people move from the countryside to cities to find work.每个空一个单词 Many people decided____(move) to the countryside because of much pollution in the city Every year many people move to the cities to ___ for jobs.____里面填什么? there will be many people——(will)to move to Mars,i think are there many people moving from cities to the suburbs.为什么moving?move不行吗 ____(move) by her speech,many people volunteered to help orphan Many people __ out of here 15 years ago because the government wanted to __ a new parkA move;builtB have moved;buildC moved;buildD move;build Many people __ out of here 15 years ago because the government wanted to __ a new parkA move;builtB have moved;buildC moved;buildD move;build 分析此句.many visitors find the fast pace at which American people move ver...分析此句.many visitors find the fast pace at which American people move very troubleling.什么鸟句.那个which重点说 Now many people move into cities in order to have their children__Now many people move into cities in order to have their children ___1.better educate2.receive well education3.better educated4.receive better education关于have的用法实在模糊, 8.Many people __ keep out,________ the positon now1.Many people keep out the positon now2.Many people keep out from the positon nowwhich is right刚才的句子我打串行了对不起9.Warm clothes can __________ the cold.还用那个词Keep out fro Many people move from the countryside to cities for work.为什么countryside不加复数,而city要加复 Many people like coffee in the morning because it helps them______.A.move away B.wake up C.come 英语翻译I wander if there will be many people will to move to Mars.对么?要用any吗?为什么 Many people New York is a very large city with 8 million people.How do so many people move about the city on th翻译成汉语