这句话 she sliped and hurt herself while she was getting off the bus这句话中依我个人理解主句和从句中的两个动作是同时进行的,但从句子结构中看一个是过去式,一个是过去进行时,为什么?如果按整个句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 05:45:04
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这句话 she sliped and hurt herself while she was getting off the bus这句话中依我个人理解主句和从句中的两个动作是同时进行的,但从句子结构中看一个是过去式,一个是过去进行时,为什么?如果按整个句 She often reads books and watch TV.这句话对吗? she enjoy also English and chinese这句话对吗? She helps doctors and patiens.写出这句话的问句 what was she doing when she sliped and hurt herself?我总回答颠倒,这个到底是怎么问的,是问她干什么的时候伤着了自己,还是问他伤到自己的时候干了什么?我总是分不清,回答也分不清.正确回答是:she wa so she lost her way.这句话可以该成and she did lose her she studies hard and soon she learns a lot这句话有错吗? 英语单句改错1.On therainy morning,she sliped and hurt herself.2.I didn't any homework last night.3.Mary didn't had a part-time job yet.4.I have never be late for school.5.Why don't join us? He and she are looking at these zebrHe and she are looking at these zebras 这句话的中文是什么? She went to the bookstore and bought pencils,a textbook,and glue.这句话对吗?xiexie . she went to Tsinghua University and majored in English and management这句话有没有错误 She has a kind h--------- and she always she offers help to people in trouble. She knows a lot of things and she is h____(h开头|)She work very h____ she is a nurse.she often wears a white uniform and helps doctors.这句话说的对 Once she has learned it and got used to it, she would accept it. 这句话有错吗?谢谢 he respected his wife and she him.这句话怎么翻译,关键是最后的she him是怎么回事 如何理解这句话:She must have tried to come back to them and got lost , she added. She looked at ()and said.首字母是h