这句英文为什么加逗号?In contrast,the suggested location,S2,is right in the town centre,which would be good for local residents.which would be good for local residents.可不可以不要逗号,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 06:40:20
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这句英文为什么加逗号?In contrast,the suggested location,S2,is right in the town centre,which would be good for local residents.which would be good for local residents.可不可以不要逗号,为什么 这句英文为什么要用逗号Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities,while much less was consumed.(just over 50 grams) 这句英语第一句话which那里为什么不加逗号? 这句英文里面包括的语法,还有为什么and后面要加个逗号?Imagination grows by exercise and ,contrary to common belief ,is more powerful in the mature than in the young. In the struggle,the strap broke and,with the bag in their possession.with在这句话里翻译为什么?还有and后为什么要加逗号? I am Chinese who lives in mainland China 这句I am Chinese who lives in mainland China 中的live加s还是不加?who前加逗号吗变成非限定的还是不加更好 this is because in the early days of radio,those who .中间为什么要加逗号 有限公司Co.,Ltd 后面为什么加逗号 有限公司 英文缩写CO.,LTD.为什么CO之后加逗号按英文书写习惯一般是缩写后面加 圆点.为什么co后面加 圆点.还要再加逗号 英文逗号? 英语翻译we start in Asia,with what is being described as one of the worst natural disasters ever.这是个什么句啊?逗号后面为什么可以加with?as译作什么呢? There are many Chinese words such as 再见 and 这句句子里那几个中文词的引号是用英文的引号吗?词之间隔开是用顿号、英文的逗号还是不用加标点?小白求指教! 什么副词可以用于句首后面加逗号引出句子accidentally就不行,surprisingly就可以,为什么 If I were you,I would not involved in their problems.这句英文有语法错误吗?如果没有错误,为什么would not 后直接加involved? The flowers in the garden smell sweet()attracting visitors there.请问括号内要不要加逗号?为什么? for连接两句句子,需要加逗号吗 状语从句in which前可以加逗号吗? as we all know后面加逗号吗As we all know,'Practice makes perfect.'As we all know'Practice makes perfect.'As we all know后面要不要加逗号呢?以上两句,哪种正确呢?宾语从句中I‘m sure后面要加逗号吗?总结句中in other