I want ___(have正确形式填空)lunch at home 理由want to do 是想要做某事,句中to do 意为要去做。但是want doing呢?为何不用having?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:49:21
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I usually have ___(eat) eggs or meat.正确形式怎么填? I want ___(have正确形式填空)lunch at home 理由want to do 是想要做某事,句中to do 意为要去做。但是want doing呢?为何不用having? I want to have my hair ___(cut) tomorrow.为什么这样填? i have some ___(japan) pen pals 用正确形式填空 But I _(have to)ask Harry how much he ___(receive)用正确形式填空 用括号内的正确形式填空(5个)Since I ____(have) enough time,I ____(feel) at ease.“I'm sorry.I ___(think) I ___(do)it before I ___(come)out of the door.”请解释为什么这么填, 英语.在横线上填单词的适当形式.还有对划线部分提问.急.1.Do you want to___(be) healthy?2.___(eat) donuts is bad for you3.I usually have a walk ___(two) a day4.Kiding a bike ___(be) exercise5.Do you usually help ___(you) mom6.You My watch doesn't work.I want to have it _____(repair的正确形式)如题. 英语:用正确形式填空,I have got ___(few)books than you have.She has got ___(much) money than he has. I-----(see)him riding his bike when i want to school 填正确的形式,该填什么啊?为什么? Kitty ___(want) some crayons but I ___(want) some brushes.请问横线中怎么填? 1.我想选择迈克作为我最好的朋友.I want to ____ Mike ____my best friends.2.如果需要帮助,你可以打我的电话.If you're ___ ___ ,you can call me moble phone.用下列单词正确的形式填空.travel highI have problem.I I want some chalks. ___ you have one?(填空) 英语给词的正确形式填空 Work must come ___(one). They want ___(clean) the houses.I go___(shop) for presents.He finishes ___(read) the book.He has a few ___(present.) I want to learn _____(swim)from Mr,Green .正确的形式应该填动名词吗?to swim 肯定不对了,到底填原形呢还是动名词呢/ Do you want ___(know) about music?填know的适当形式 该怎么填呀? 用词的正确形式填空1.I have a little pet.___(it)likes____(eat)fish.2.My mother ___(want)to go to coumtrysde.3.By the last month we___(study)ten lessons.4.The thing gets ______(interesting).越来越有趣.5.____(ue) classroom is bigger then__ 用动词的恰当形式填空 I ___ (do not) want so much.:I ___ (do not) want so much.