benz 的 the best or nothing怎么翻译贴切?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:59:29
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benz 的 the best or nothing怎么翻译贴切? the best or noting 的意思是什么 懂英文而且了解MERCEDES-BENZ 的帮我做下问卷!问卷如下:MERCEDES-BENZ TEST QUESTIONS1,Which of these is manufactured by Mercedes-Benz?(A),S Max (B),SLR MCLAREN (C),SJ Samurai2,Emil Jellinek named a special car made for him after the n what is the best loss weight product n china?paiyouji tea or something else? You’ve got to be the first,the best,or the different 的意思 奔驰广告语THE BEST OR NOTHING有哪位高手能把奔驰广告语中THE BEST OR NOTHING广告中的整个广告的英文给写下来谢谢 Which do you like best,history,English or Chinese为什么这里的best前面不加the? 英语被动语态中时间状语的位置for example:Carl Benz invented car in1885 .change the sentence into the passive voice :Car was invented by Carl Benz in 1885/Car was invented in 1885 by Carl Benz .Are these all correct? when did Karl Benz invent the car变成被动语句 用better或the best填空:Which coat is ( ) on me,the blue one or the black one?我练习册上的答案是the best, East or West,home is best.East or West,home is best.is和best中间不用加the吗? best 和 the best 的区别 the best与a best的区别 谁能告诉各种世界名牌的英文比如:奔驰(benz) 在现翻译 英译汉 The best,or nothing. The best or nothing用德语怎么写? the best or noting live with chivary是什么意思 这句英语是什么意思呢The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours谢谢The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career. 上海高口,我行的!