Jack jumped ------than Jim in the the long jump.A.higher B.faster C.farther D.longer我需要翻译,并且要知道选什么,及挖们其他3个不选,还需要翻译,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 06:09:59
jumped Jack's birthday is april 6th.改为一般疑问句 Jack's birthday is April 6th (改成一般疑问句)Jack's birthday is April 6th (改为一般疑问句) jack Jack 英选:jack bought th book ______ 1990a.since b.in jumped的读音 jumped out 是什么意思 jumped out of her jumped up and down Jack jumped ------than Jim in the the long jump.A.higher B.faster C.farther D.longer我需要翻译,并且要知道选什么,及挖们其他3个不选,还需要翻译, 英语单词辨音五条1、lunch child teach school(ch)2、egg eleven pencil seven (e)3、played helped looked jumped (ed)4、think mouth this three(th)5、have cake same take(a) 要懂英语的人,麻烦大家了,是一种阅读型的英语,(went,took,swam,bit,biting,fell,saw,ran,catch,jump,jumped,saved)请选择填入~One day Jack and David went fishing.Jack his dog Tony with him.On the river bank,when the dog a bird,he aft 英语选择1.Lily is_sister.A.Mary and Jack B.Mary's and Jack's C.Mary's and Jack D.Mary and Jack's接着:2.September 10th is_.A.Teacher 's Day B.Teacher's Day C.Teachers Day D.the teacher's Day3.Those new _are for you.A.shirts B.skirt C.shoe D.dr ()()()th()() ()()th()() ()()th()() ()()()th()() ()()()th()() ()()th()() 填写字母,成为单词. 2句六年级的英语改句John is 180 centimetrs.Jack is 181 centimetrs.合并为一句Jack is __________ ___________ John.The Mills will return on October 5th.(保持原句意思)The Mills will ________ ________ on October 5th. 几道英语题,各位高手帮帮忙1.It was raining hard and we all got ____(湿的)2.Before going to school,Jack usually ____(检查)his schoolbag3.利奥匀速脱下衣服,跳入了游泳池. Leo quickly ____ ____his clothes and jumped int 英语改错(指出错误+改正+理由)处于一过文章中的句子1.He found a house was on fire,so he jumped out of the bed and called 119.2.they praised Jack had already put out the fire3 they thanked he第二句想表达的是他们表扬