I think this T-shirt is perfect.的反意问句是……?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 03:40:33
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()T-shirt is this?()this your ()? No,()(). ()()is your T-shirt? My T-shirt is blue ,()this T-shirtis yellow. I think it's Zhang peng . I think this T-shirt is perfect.的反意问句是……? I think A:a blue T-shirt B:a blue socks C:a blue T-shirt I can't sell this shirt to you.I am . shirt,this,I,want, make my T-shirt look smart能不能写成make my T-shirt smart ,为什么还有英语书上有这样的一个句子 I want to design the red T-shirt ,because I think this colour makes the T-shirt look smart and it will go well with any other colour. This green T-shirt is nice.I'lltake (it ) I don't like this shirt .Could you please_____? This T-shirt is not expensive.i well______ it I'm sure this T-shirt ( )(match) her blue jeans What do you think of this shirt? Well,I like its s_____,but Idon't like it colour.横线上填什么 I don't think you should take this shirt,because its color does not ____that of your coat.A.fitB.matchC.balanceD.equal求详解 how about this T-shirt? __________?Maybe.What do you think?A Is this your T-shirt B Can I help you?__________?Maybe.What do you think?A Is this your T-shirt B Can I help you?C.Perhaps you should try the light colours?D.Any problems I want to t____ the blue T-shirt.I think my father will like it. I don't think the colour of the trousers ( ) your shirt matches还是fits This shirt‘s is very small,I can’t wear it.a:This shirt is( )( )for me( )wear b:This shirt is( )small ( )I ( )it c:This shirt is not( )( )for me to wear d:I can'wear this shirt ( )it is( )( ) e:This shirt is very s I like this red Tshirt ,but i like that yellow T shirt better 同义句