our teacher —————— our class meeting ev 填空 老师每周都参加我们的班会

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:49:05
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Maybe he is our chinese teacher.同义句He— —our chinese teacher.急 Our teacher smiled and said Class begin同义句 Our teacher said —— —— —— Class begin 我这里有几个英语题目:IS our teacher in his o——?THE bank is —— from the supermarket? our teacher —————— our class meeting ev 填空 老师每周都参加我们的班会 Mr Smith works as our English teacher in our school 改为同义句Mr Smith —— —— ——in our school. Our english teacher is really ——(amusing还是amused)求解释 We — — our teacher help 我们盼望老师的帮助 老师经常对我们要求很严格翻译英语 Our teacher is often — —us our English teacher speaks English b—— in class and out class 意思 Do you know the p_______ over there?——Yes,he is our math teacher. Our teacher is very ——(health)and she wants to be ____(health) Stop talking.Our teacher has something——(tell)us our science teacher asked us to follow his d——in the lab a woman ——(with/in)a red coat was talking with our chinese teacher we met— 9 o'clock outside our school gate ——Paul,do you know the man who is standing in our classroom?Is it our teacher?——It______be our teacher.He went to Japan yesterday.Amust Bmustn't Ccan Dcan'tBD拿不准啊 Mr Zhao is our math teacher.(对划线部分提问) ——————is————————math teacher? 一些英语问题,麻烦说下理由哦It can't be our English teacher.It ____ be our Chinese teacher because our Chinese teacher is much taller than English teacher用can还是must,还有这句主语为什么是it—Emma has been ill for a week.Is