which country has ____population,India or England?选项A the larger B larger我的观点是选A,我认为这个表范围的限定,但书上有一句Who is taller?Lily or Lucy.为什么这里就不加the呢,要准确的详解!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:48:41
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Which country has the most neighboring counties? which country has a_____(large)population,the USA or Canada? which country has the biggest land area in the world? which country has a good appetite脑筋急转弯 Which country has the biggset area in the world ---rt In colonized africa,which country has the greatest land Which country has a good appetite?answer.thanks.and reason. Do you know which country has the largest p________? Which country has the most population ,Japan ,Australia,China?错在哪里? China is a country which has a long history.哪些是主语哪些是宾语? which country(countries) has more sheep than people求那个国家 Which country has largest online pnpulation?这句话用英语如何回答 state in relation to a country over which it has some control which country has more sheep than people?为什么用more sheep more不是用在多音节吗?sheep又不是多音节?which country has这是疑问句has不应该用have吗? In this country it is required that anyone who __ recently come here __ to pass this kind of test.A.has;has B.has;hadC.have;have D.has;have选D,为什么? 英语单项选择题(which is the best?Tell me why?)1 My good friend Jane will go back to her country tomorrow.I'm going to __ at the airport.A send off her B send her off C see off her D see her off(send off 跟see off )2 My father has ___ in the China is a big country ___about 5000 years of history.A.with B.has C.that D.which which country has ____ population,the USA ,Japan or China? A.more B.the most C.larger D.the largest