You shouldn't read in the sun ,MIke句子结构是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 11:04:45
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I'm sorry.I shouldn't tease you,I make I'm sorry!my dear!I shouldn't loss you You shouldn't have You shouldn't read __the sun.A.under D.on You shouldn't read in the sun ,MIke句子结构是什么? 英语翻译you shouldn't work [ ] [ ] [ ]. You _______ read the article if you don’t want to. A can’t B needn’t C mustn’t D shouldn’t I told you,Peter,you shouldn't eat so many sweets.这里的shouldn't eat能不能改成shouldn't have eaten呢?改成shouldn't have eaten后是不是意思就是在told之前“本不应该”呢? 英语翻译I shouldn't love you,but I want to I just can't turn away I shouldn't see you,but I can't move I can't look away I shouldn't love you,but I want to I just can't turn away I shouldn't see you,but I can't move I can't look away And I don't 英语翻译Just So You Know Lyrics Artist(Band):Jesse McCartney Just So You Know Lyrics I shouldn't love you,but I want to I just can't turn away I shouldn't see you,but I can't move I can't look away I shouldn't love you,but I want to I just can't You should You shouldn't 英文家规 you shouldn't study when you are 【初二英语】People shouldn't read other's__________ (私人信件) sometimes i do things i shouldn't May I go out to play No you ______A.mustn't B.couldn't C needn't D.shouldn't I was really worried about you.You ____ in the forest alone.A.shouldn't campB.shouldn't have campedC.should campD.should have camped I can't ,I would like to admit how can,you are the person who I shouldn't love! i can`t read what you write here