请求地道的翻译这句话take care and stay cooltake care and stay cool外国朋友的来信中的最后一句话!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 14:54:50
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请求地道的翻译这句话take care and stay cooltake care and stay cool外国朋友的来信中的最后一句话! 英语翻译If you say “Yes”,please take care.这句话的翻译是什么.知道的说声 “优柔寡断的女人”这句话地道的英语怎么翻译? The author and publisher hava taken care in the preparation of this book!请问这句话怎么翻译,of是preparation的,还是take care的,如果是preparation的,那take care 后面的介词呢?有take care in 这种用法吗?(这句话本身没 “恭喜发财,红包拿来!”这句话地道的英语怎么翻译? “好男怕恶男,恶男怕泼妇”这句话地道的英语怎么翻译? my grandma thinks a pet cat is easy to ____ a.take off b.take up c.take care ofd.take an interest翻译一下这句话 这句英语,怎么翻译中文更好?谢谢高手!英翻中!Thank you for your letter, but I feel you are too good for me. Take care, 请求英翻中 u must sms me,u must care for me,if u never care for me who will care for me?please sms me words th请求帮忙翻译这句话的本身含义,是不让发这样的信息,还是必须发信息但不要说他不喜欢的话呢?please sms me words that It's easy to take care of?这句话错吗?take care of 后面难道不要跟下去的吗? he needs to stay at home and take care of mother 这句话的and后面为什么不是to take care?and前后不是得一致吗? 翻译:take good care of < I can take good care of you>这句话是什么意思? please take care of yourself这句话什么意思 take care of your time and use it effectively because one cannot comes什么意如果没有这句话 帮我翻译这句话take care of your time and use it effectively because one cannot put back the clock take care 的近义词 “家庭的幸福是人生最大的价值.”这句话地道的英语怎么翻译? “这七天是我的光辉岁月!”这句话地道的英语怎么翻译?