the Greens(格林一家)是三单吗,后面用is还是are?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 03:06:26
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the Greens(格林一家)是三单吗,后面用is还是are? 格林一家正在泰州参观 用英语. The Greens are (. ) (. )(. )格林一家正在泰州参观 用英语. The Greens are (. ) (. )(. )(. )taizhou 格林一家是翻译为the Greens'还是the Green's 格林一家都非常喜欢中国菜 The Greens like Chinese meals __ __. The Greens 是格林一家人,那么两家(格林)怎么表示? 在姓氏前要加the吗?请问在姓氏前面要加THE吗?比如格林斯一家,是The Greens还是Greens 格林一家现在正在吃饭.怎么翻译?是The Greens are at the table now.还是The Greens are at table now. The Greens还是Greens译为格林一家人? 格林一家正考虑去泰山旅游 The Greens ____ _____ ____ _____ to Mount Tai for a trip The Greens ____ China ___ five years ago (格林一家来中国已经有5年了) The Greens are at breakfast table为什么要翻译成吃早餐?按照直译不是格林一家正在早餐桌上 填空:_ the Greens a car?yes,it _ blue.是填 have 和 is Greens 是格林一家的意思吗? The Green family lives near us .the Greens are both doctors这里的The Green family是否一定是单数,而The Greens能否作为格林夫妇(我记得好像只能作为格林一家) 1.My father is going to Beijing in a weekin week 划线提问.()()is your father going to Beijing?2.下周日格林一家打算去伦敦度假.The Greens ()()()London on vacation (next)(Sunday) 格林一家和他们的邻居们一起盼望着消防车的到来.The Greens,____ ____ their neighbours,are looking forward to the arrival of the fire engine. 格林一家将在9月3日的上午到达北京 the greens ____ ______on the morning of sepember 3rd 如何区别the Green’s和the Greens’的区别-Where is your brother?-At ___________.A.the Greens B.Mr.Green's C.the Mr.Green D.the Green's 为什么D不对?按道理说the Green's也是格林的家的意思啊?the Greens’指的是格林一家 the greens表示格林一家人、不加s呢?