英语 写出下列句子相应的句子的问句或答句一、I need eleven T-shirts.写问句二、I like soccer best.写问句三、What sports do you like 写答句四、Can you hit the ball to Jenny?肯定回答五、Where did you go today?(sto

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:25:24
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根据答句或问句写出相应的句子1( )They like PE,maths ang computer studies2( )It's198 初一英语写出相应的问句或答句! (英语)根据答句写出相应的问句. 英语 写出下列句子相应的句子的问句或答句一、I need eleven T-shirts.写问句二、I like soccer best.写问句三、What sports do you like 写答句四、Can you hit the ball to Jenny?肯定回答五、Where did you go today?(sto 读句子,写出相应的问句或答句.急用,the lions are sleeping.(写问句) no,they aren't having a picnic.(写问句) my mother is writing a letter.(写问句)what is the fish doing?(写答句)can the geese swim?(写答句) 根据所给出的问句或答句,写出相应的答句或问句.Was there a small house f根据所给出的问句或答句,写出相应的答句或问句.Was there a small house four years ago? 写出下列句子的对偶句 根据情境,写出相应的句子 在下列句子中填上相应的花. 把下列句子换一种说法,难道必须改成反问句或双重否定句吗?能不能调换句子的顺序?快. A: B:I went to the park last weeekend.根据答句,写出相应的问句 已知答句I can play ping-pong. 写出相应的问句 模仿列句写出下列句子的对应句 按所给时间标志和句子,用下列时态将句子写出,并改为其相应时态的被动语态写出~原句 Tom ( listen to) the music.1.every day.句子:------------------------------- 被动形式:------------------------------------2. 把句子和相应的答句连线 我要三个疑问句的句子,不是英语!三个反问句的句子,三个设问句的句子,三个比喻句的句子,三个拟人句的句子,三个夸张句的句子 写出下列短句或句子的汉语意思 写出下列的英语句子简单介绍一下你和家人是如何上班或上学的.(最少六句)