英语问题回答:1.What are you think about friendship?2How do we made good friendes?请用英语回答,不用太复杂,也别太简单.别用翻译器搜,求英语达人

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:49:19
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真情邀请英语高手用英语回答小问题1 What kinds of water sports are popular with people in your country?2 what do people enjoy doing when visit rivers,lakes or the sea?3 why do you think these activities are popular?4 what benefits do yo (用英文回答) 根据实际情况,回答下面的问题.1、Have you ever been to Beijing?2、What are you going to do this summer holiday?3、Do you like thavelling?4、How can you go yo Beijing? 请帮忙回答几个英语问题1.This has not been helped by the fact that several of my co-workers are off sick at the moment.中的are off sick 怎么理解,为什么不直接用are sick.2.I've got a couple of suggestions,which I'll get off to yo 英语问题回答,不难不要回答很难,几句话即可.1.What do you know about pollution in our country and how are we fighting it?2.What is noise pollution?3.What does noise pollution cause us? 回答下列句子 what are yo doing,Tim?when’s Teacher’s Day?what are you going to do on NationaI da 英语问题,What'up怎么回答? 连词造句(问题如下)1.winter,Guangzhou,in,weather,is,what,like,she,in.2.date,is today,the,what.3.sing,my,can,brother,well,very.4.park,they,are,going,the,yo,Sunday,this What are online datd sources are?用英语回答 英语作业,对的一定会采纳,谢谢!根据实际情况回答问题.1.Where are you now? 2.What are you doing? 3..What can you do? 4.Do you have a new bike? 5.Does your mother have long hair? 英语问题回答:1.What are you think about friendship?2How do we made good friendes?请用英语回答,不用太复杂,也别太简单.别用翻译器搜,求英语达人 what are you good at根据实际情况回答问题 几句英语问题,请帮帮忙这5个问题该怎么回答?这是口语的问题,请帮帮忙想这5个问题该怎么回答.急用,1.What are you good at cooking?What is your favourite dish?2.What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy What are the changes of old people's attitudes toward children 请用英语或中文回答问题~ 请用英语回答下列问题what does your father? how are you? how old is your mother? 8,what are mutual funds?能用英语回答下这问题吗- -0 最好不要太长的 7,What are hedge funds?能用英语回答下这问题吗- -0 最好不要太长的 Where are you going this afternoon?What are you going to do there?When are you going?用英语回答上面的问题. 用回答问题英语哦1.What is Mike doing?捉蝴蝶2.Are you picking up leaves?摘叶子3.Are they playing chess?玩象棋 记得是英语哦