为什么选A不选B呢?已知化学反应2C(s)+O2(g)点燃生成2CO(g),2CO(g)+O2(g)点燃生成2CO2(g)都是放热反 A.12gC所具有的能量一定高于28gCO所具有的能量.B.56gCO和32gCO2所具有的总能量大于88gCO2所

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 12:14:17
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为什么选A不选B呢?已知化学反应2C(s)+O2(g)点燃生成2CO(g),2CO(g)+O2(g)点燃生成2CO2(g)都是放热反 A.12gC所具有的能量一定高于28gCO所具有的能量.B.56gCO和32gCO2所具有的总能量大于88gCO2所 This is my____dictionary.A.sister Mary B.sister's C.sister,Mary's D.sister's Mary's为什么选D,不选B或C.是我看错答案了,答案选的是C,B为什么不对呢? Mr Black is a friend of ______.A.Jack's aunt's B.Jack aunt C.jack aunt's D.aunt's of jack为什么选A不选C呢?哪位大大知道呢? I don’t think looking after children is just -----work.A woman B woman’s C women D women’s为什么不选B呢?给讲讲呗 为什么选c不选b呢? 为什么不选b选c呢 the place__interested me most was the children's palace a which b where c what d in which为什么选A不选C呢? 为什么不选A或C呢. 设集合S={x||x-2|>3},T={x|a<x<a+8},S∪T=R,则a的取值范围是 [ ] A、-3<a<-1 B、-3≤a≤-1 C、a为什么不选B呢,为什么不是a≤1,a≥5呢? 下列化学反应中,在高温下不能自发进行化学反应的是( )A CO(g)=C(s)+1/2 O2(g)B 2N2O5(g)=4NO2(g)+O2(g)C (NH4)2CO3(g)=NH4HCO3(s)+NH3(g)D MgCO3(s)=MgO(s)+CO2(g)应该选哪个?为什么? I am afraid that there's no ___for you two in my car.A,room B.place C.seat D.extra 为什么要选A呢?为什么不能用B.或者C呢.也很通顺啊、 The girl ______ I just talked with is Ben's sister.A.whom B.which C.she说说原因哈~为什么不选B呢? 为什么不选A选B呢 -————? A how old are you? B how are you C what's your name it's seven D what's the time为什么不选A而选D呢it's seven 这是答句 These cups are ours.Those are ________.A.others B.other's C.others' D.others选哪个才是正确的呢.为什么不选A呢,选C呢 —It’s really nice of you.—_____, we are very glad to help.A.It’s nothing B. It’s all right C. You are welcome为什么是A?但为什么 不选B呢? 1 mol下列物质氧化还原反应中一定失去2mol电子的是 A、Cl2 B 、S C 、Zn D、Fe为什么选Zn 不选S那又为什么是zn呢? 1.She asked the young man___.答案是B为什么不选A呢?A.what's wrong with him B.what was wrong with him C.what's trouble D.how was he2.___mathematics is the base of all other sciences.答案是A为什么不选C呢?A.This is because B.This is tha