请问英文中past continuous是指什么意思我想问past continuous 过去进行式是指昨天正在发生的事吗?过去式为甚后面也要加ing?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 07:01:09
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请问英文中past continuous是指什么意思我想问past continuous 过去进行式是指昨天正在发生的事吗?过去式为甚后面也要加ing? 请问英文中past continuous是指什么意思?过去连续又是什麽意思过去进行式又指什麽意思?比如说呢?= = reported speech 中各种时态的变化past continuous becomes WHAT?Simple past becomes WHAT?…… present simple,present continuous ,past simple ,past continuous ,past perfect每个时式作一句句子, 请问present/past perfect tense 跟present/past perf请问present/past perfect tense 跟present/past perfect continuous tense 有何分别?当做时态练习时,如何清楚介定它们.(它们有哪些标示语) past simple present continuous present simple the vervto be' past passive continuous 过去进行时该什么时候用呢? 英语翻译past simple;personal pronoun;present continuous;present simple We use past continuous tense to关于时态的. 这些present continuous past third person singular这些present continuous past third person singular present perfect tense 是什么 请问数学中“qualitative” outlier interquartile discrete continuous sigma 应该怎么翻? 请问Continuous caster blooms怎么翻译 continuous dyed在纺织中是什么意思 The future Perfect Continuous Tense 用法 .过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense用法1.一般现在时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous te Past英文什么意思? I saw him when I drove (past in my car).请问past作为介词,在从句中past和in my car是什么成分的呢? 请问用英文表示具体时间中是用pass还是用past 求好心人教学一下英语语法,比如present simple,continuous,past simple,present perfect,etc教一遍就可以了