Six letters,two words,easy to say,hard to explain,harder to do:MOVE ON!这句话是神马意思请英语好的人翻译一下(一整句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 18:49:03
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what five letter word has six left when you take away two letters? What five letter word has six left when you take away two letters?的回答. This word has five letters.It has six left if you take two letters away.What is it?如题 This word has five letters.It six left if you take two letters away.what is it?不过...所以请哥哥姐姐回答下 想一想,猜一猜.1.Whose eyes never close?___________________________________________2.What two words have thousands of letters in them?_______________________3.This word has five letters.It has six left if you take two letters away.What is it?___ what five-letter word has six left when you take two letters away?哪五个字母的单词在拿走两个字母后还有六个left? A word has all the twenty-six letters in it. What is this word? What two word have thousands of letters in them? There is a word of five letters.If you take away two letters,only one remains.What is the word? it has five has six left if you take two letters away.what is it要说理由 NEPCS智力测试真题求解1 Make a six-letter word using only these four letters R E F L 2 Find a word,which when placed at the end of the first word and at the beginning of the second word,make two new words.mean( )table3 Only one of the sets of There is an English word.It has four letters.Its first two letters stands for a man,the firstthree letters stands for a woman.What's the word? what five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? what five -letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? What word becomes shorter if you add(加) two letters to is?猜谜 I know a word of three letters,add two,it will be fewer. what is it? I know a word of letters three.Add two,and fewer there will be. what word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?怎么翻译