改写下列句子,使B句的意思与A句相似A:There is lots of snow in Harbin.B:It ____ ____ in Harbin.A:Everyone speaks loud in class.B:The classroom ______ ______.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:02:19
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改写下列句子,使B句的意思与A句相似A:There is lots of snow in Harbin.B:It ____ ____ in Harbin.A:Everyone speaks loud in class.B:The classroom ______ ______. 改写下列句子,使B句的意思与A句相似1.A:My father played for Liverpool football team. B: My father______ _______ _______ _______ Licerpool football team.2.A: Don't go on doing it like this,please. B: _______ _______ it like this,plea 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句的意思相近.Mr Lee is a policemen.Mr Luo is a policeman,too. 高二英语填空:使B句与A句的意思相同或相似,每空仅填一个单词..句型填空,使B句与A句的意思相同或相似,每空仅填一个单词1.A.I will look back at her over my shoulder when she passes by me.B.I will look back at h 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句的意思相近.A:Howmany people are there in you family?B:there are ()people in my family.是的,写错了。 改写句子;根据a句完成b句,使其与A句意思一致 1A These are white skirts.B ____ ______ ___white.2A Please look at the blackboard.B Please _____ ______ _____ ______ the black board3A How much are these tomatoes?B ____is the_______of these 英语:A.改写句子(要让改写后的意思与原句意思相同;改有括号的地方)1.Please give (some apples to the children).2.The (old men and old women )are sitting under the big tree.B.在每组句子的空格中填入同一 将下列句子改写为倒装句 what about having a trip to hangzhou next sunday?( ) ( )havea trip to hangzhou next sunday?在改写后的句子括号内填上所缺单词,使其与原句意思相符 下列句子中为字意思与另外三句不同的一向是 a.是为何故 b.以臣为愚 c.何为以公名下列句子中为字意思与另外三句不同的一向是a.是为何故 b.以臣为愚 c.何为以公名 d.中峨冠而多髯者为 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句意思相近.1.The room has forty chairs._____ _____ forty chairs in the _____.2.I'd like to be a teacher.I _____ to _____ a ______. 改写句子,使改后的句子与原句意思相进.1.Mr lee is a policeman .Mr Luo is a policeman ,too.Mr Lee and ____ ____ ____ both(两者都)policemen. 在b句的空白处填入正确的单词 使c句与a句意思相近 V.在改写后的句子中填入所缺单词,使其与原句意思相符V.在改写后的句子中填入所缺单词,使其与原句意思相符:15’1.The boy is five years old.He couldn’t find his way in the park yesterday.The _____________ b 填空:使B句与A句意思相同或相似,每空仅填一个单词.A:The group of little animals get together to get warm.B:The group of little animals get together _______ _______. 将下列句子改写为同义句There are a lot of things you could do.There are____ ____things____you____ ____ 1.It's a long time since I left my hometown.A long time __ __ __ I left my hometown.改写句子,使其与原句意思相近 1.It's a long time since I left my hometown.A long time __ __ __ I left my hometown.改写句子,使1.It's a long time since I left my hometown.A long time __ __ __ I left my hometown.改写句子,使其与原句意思相近2.Please turn left at the