几道情景交际、随便答就好、句式不错就行、一.1.How often do you have a haircut?2.When did you last have a haircut?3.When (in the week)do you have English lessons?4.When did you have a party?What was it for?5.You are going out with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:37:49
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几道情景交际、随便答就好、句式不错就行、一.1.How often do you have a haircut?2.When did you last have a haircut?3.When (in the week)do you have English lessons?4.When did you have a party?What was it for?5.You are going out with 几道情态动词练习求答案 几道情景交际一.Now fill the blanks with to,to the,on,on the or in.填空1.I heard the news about the terrible weather in India( )radio.2.We went ( )cinema yesterday evening.3.They had a party for his birthda( )3rd August.4.Ken was in Paris( )A 几道情景交际题一.Now fill the blanks with to,to the,on,on the or in.填空1.I heard the news about the terrible weather in India( )radio.2.We went ( )cinema yesterday evening.3.They had a party for his birthda( )3rd August.4.Ken was in Paris( 成语故事主要内容随便哪个成语故事 写几句话就行 英语句式和口语交际 求:几道情商测试题!内容如下在必不可少的东西中,假如你遇到危机必须舍弃掉一些,这样的测试题,有答案就更好了 英语怎么说 不错不够随便 用英文翻译几首唐诗随便什么唐诗都可以,翻译成英文就行 求,用英语写的日记,简单的就行.几十个单词 ,内容随便? 就说是什么句式就行了 高中生听慢速英语几级比较合适啊现在我马上高二了,很久以前就开始听慢速英语了.就随便听听的,现在我就想知道大概听几级对听力和口语更有帮助呢?然后我本身也还不错的,(当然是在高 山坡羊 道情 翻译 你们随便举例就行了? 随便,是计算的就行 随便哪科,是答案就行, 水果的说明文随便,说明文就行. 这四道题随便一道做出来就行