这篇短文有那几个错误.The universe means the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars and the space among them.Many of the stars are so far away that we can't see them.The moon,we satellite,have already been visited by man in space ships.Man-mad

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 14:47:10
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这篇短文有那几个错误.The universe means the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars and the space among them.Many of the stars are so far away that we can't see them.The moon,we satellite,have already been visited by man in space ships.Man-mad 这段短文有几个自然段? 一道英语作文改错题,有一句不知道错误在哪里,【】中的部分这篇改错短文有不少错误,但是【】中的错误在哪里,We all have such experinenc:after we went to the super market,we always get some plastic bags.Even the 这个短文有几个自然段? 英语翻译请把 “那疼、绕指柔” 多翻译几个答案,不能语法有错误! 优哉游哉 咸与维新 德艺双馨 这几个字有错误吗 不言而发,这几个字有什么错误? 麻烦高人看看这篇英文短文有多少错误,The group and table were concerning the information of export fish of the world different regions between 1970,1980 and 1990.It is apparent from the massage supplied by the first graph that the numb 这短文分别是从那几个方面来介绍沙漠不只是贫瘠的 看看下面这篇短文有没有错误的地方,有的,麻烦纠正一下.Spring is coming.What a nice season!The weather is getting warmer and warmer.The flowers are coming out.How beautiful the world is!Look around,the sky is blue and the leaves o 英语文章找错有哪位大侠仗义相助,这篇短文有哪些错误at first,the life at the university is completely different from the life in the secondary school ,it's much busier and more challenging,so it's difficult for a child to deal wi 通过学习 芭蕉 这篇短文,老师说的那句话有什么深刻含义 The best (w ) of learning a language is using it.这篇短文谁有,,这是短文的第一句。谁有这篇短文,讲一下后面怎么填。 这篇短文有好评 阅读这篇英语短文,回答几个选择题. 请问这个短文有几个自然段 有那几个考点 百家争鸣有那几个