求英语句子成份分析 急用!I started naming other gospel singers.With each one,Nellie nodded back,and I saw her try to smile.I was not a singer,but I decided to pretend that I was.It was not unthinkable that Nellie might die during this ride

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 13:27:51
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求英语句子成份分析 急用!I started naming other gospel singers.With each one,Nellie nodded back,and I saw her try to smile.I was not a singer,but I decided to pretend that I was.It was not unthinkable that Nellie might die during this ride 如何分析句子成份 I can think of many cases.句子成份分析. 句子成份分析I told you that I love you.其中 that I love you.是什么成份? 分析英语句子成份,主谓宾定状补表如题,把词语在句子中的成份(主谓宾定状补表)表示出来,Fishing is my favorite sport.I often fish for hours without catching anything.But this does not worry me .Some fisherman are un 请英语高手帮忙分析下,这个句子成份!请英语高手帮忙分析下,这个句子成份:your house will take care of you in old age 请帮忙分析一下句子成份:What time do you start boarding你什么时候登机?我想问的是,上面句子中的boaring是形容词吧,它在句子中做什么成份? I know it is necessary for you to learn another language句子成份分析一下, I usually do my homework at home in the evening.请分析句子语法成份. 帮忙分析语法:What time do you start boarding?你何时登机?boarding是动名词吗?在句子中充当什么成份?祝你愉快! 英语句子分析,His son is chosen as the new president of their country.汉语,句子成份分析一下, I think your brother is a clever boy. 句子成份分析? 比如I think your brother is a clever boy. 句子成份分析? 比如is a clever boy是什么成份,brother是宾语,那your是什么呢? Wash your hands clean.句子成份分析 请问大家有没有专门学习分析英语句子成份和词作用的书! 在你们那边呢,用英语怎么说...最好帮我分析在句子成份 I'v liked horses for as long as I can remember.请问这句话句子成份如何分析?如何翻译? 分析句子成份.I had to make myself more than what I was.什么从句,主谓宾语是什么? 英语:I can deduce from the manner he walks that he's not happy.谁能帮我分析下这个句子,我知道意思,就是不知道句子成份之类.