英语语法高手一定要进哦Oh, your brother has arrived already. I _____be ____ tomorrow.A, think, is coming B, thought ,was coming C, thought ,will come D,think, will come.疑惑:1,这个想是我现在想还是过去的想?2,第二个空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:46:33
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英语语法高手一定要进哦Oh, your brother has arrived already. I _____be ____ tomorrow.A, think, is coming B, thought ,was coming C, thought ,will come D,think, will come.疑惑:1,这个想是我现在想还是过去的想?2,第二个空 英语语法一定要背吗? 求高中英语语法高手 英语语法高手进哦1,How did you____ the movie last niight?----oh ,both interesting and instructive.A,find B,feel C,think到底用什么?好像AB都行他们有什么区别?2,Thinking that you know_____ in fact you don't is not a good idea.疑 英语语法高手一定要进哦What a great weight the mother felt taken off her mind the moment she found heo lost son!老师这样分析道:此句为主从复合句.主句:What a great weight 定语从句:the mother felt taken off her mind Oh,are () your parents? 哪位高手知道break的用法一定要全哦 英语语法高手进,realx realxes realxing realxed的区别和用法 高中英语语法填空,新题型求高手 7道高中英语语法题,耐心的高手进1.Drivers can’t be _D____ while they are driving cars.A.too careless B.very careless C.very careful D.too careful 我选A2.--- How come you’ve been coming to our club __C___ than you used to?---- Oh,I NH4+和OH-反应一定要加热吗 here's your.?是什么意思是高手的进 what's in your.是英语高手的进 小学英语语法2000题的全部答案,一定要全部答案 英语语法 有哪些动词后一定要加ing形式 英语语法中,can,must 后面一定要接原形动词?为什么? 一定要自已写的,用英语语法正确初一下 英语语法句子的基本结构一定要按主谓宾定状补表吗