请英语高手看看这句话语法有问题没All this presented new safety problems.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:53:30
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请英语高手看看这句话语法有问题没All this presented new safety problems. 请英语高手来帮我看看这句话有没语病?If god was willing give me a opportunity,I could face all people and sang ,I'm sorry.不好意思弄错了应该是say的 英语高手帮我看看这句话语法有问题么when he had arrived in the supermarket ,he did not know which kind of water he should bought.这句话传说过去式不是和过去完成时搭配么 求教英语中译英 我承诺爱护花草(树木).I promise to keep off the grass flowers and trees.(请帮忙高手看看语法有没有错,谢谢) 请英语高手帮我看看这句话:“read a poem for you”有语法毛病吗?我记得英语老师讲read sth to sb但有道翻译,还有一些人都用了read a poem for you我想问它有问题吗,在口语上可以这样用吗? 英语高手帮我看看这句话的语法有没有问题,是虚拟语气的People wish that by imitating some aspects of famous star,they might have become a part of fasion. 英语好的来看看,看看这句话语法有错误吗之类的As a member of a pit,You're too weak请看看这句话这样说对吗?哪儿有错误,请帮忙就整出来 They opened the door and all went to sleep这句话语法有没有错? 各位英语高手看看这篇英语文章是否有语法上或其他问题:My plan for the winter vacationMy plan for the winter vacationFirst of all,I will do three more important things in the winter vacation.The three more important things are 【在线等】All we need,is your help.这句话有语法问题么RT you will after all leave me away这句话有语法错么若有、请帮忙改下 英语高手看看这句话有没有问题 then a friend suggested we went to work by bikesuggest 后面不是动词要用原型的吗! 英语短文,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方这是一篇是我自己写的简单自我介绍,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方,Good evening everybody.Allow me to introduce myself.I'm from Guangzhou.My name is Xuj I don't have nothing,all are the blanks!请英语学的好的人,帮我看看这句话有没有什么语法上的错误以及中文意思!我英语差的很 也不好分辨谁说的对~最好能说出来是为什么!我好把分分给正确回答 英语的问题.帮我看看这句话的语法是否正确i am more and more lover you 英语高手请进..问个语法问题Shian International Trade (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is dedicated to being a leading importer for providing international imported health foods and brands to China.请问这句话有没有语法问题啊? 英语高手来看看我这句话有没问题.I don't know what to write.若有错请帮忙改正. 请高手帮我看看这句话有什么拼写或者语法上的错误.If the heavens give me a cheese,that you may obtain wealth or health or happiness,you will chose which of these.