请帮我分析下这个句子,就是它的成分,It is significant that the earliest living things that built communities on these island are examples of symbiosis.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 08:39:14
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请帮我分析下这个句子,就是它的成分,It is significant that the earliest living things that built communities on these island are examples of symbiosis. 请大家帮我分析下这个句子,句子中的各个对应成分~A team that thinks it’s going to lose is going to lose. It is just as you said .请大侠帮我分析下这个句子的成分.因为牵扯到几个语法成分,已经把我搞晕了,所以希望说的详细些.尤其是as, It is the place to escape to.请帮我分析一下这个小句子的语法成分尤其to escape后面为什么接了to? 请大家帮我分析个句子成分!I always saw to it that every single cent of money raised for the revolution was spent for no other purposes.1.请大家帮我详细的分析下这个句子的成分;2:that从句中谓语动词是raised吗?那么 not another word of this帮我分析下这个句子的成分,或者它是个短语? what is it that interests you about the job请帮我分析下这个句子好吗. 请大神帮我分析一下下面句子的结构,就是分析主谓宾,定状补成分I have decided to place an order of some books . Work on it had begun before my sister left 请帮我拆分一下这个句子的成分. 请帮我分析一下 what do you think i am doing 的句子成分.请告诉我这个句子的句子结构,语法成分. All the memories i have of working with you are invaluable to me.请帮我分析下这个句子的成分,为什么i have 可以放在句子中位置呢额 I want to do it .帮我分析一下句子的成分 when polly left home that morning 请朋友们帮我分析下句子的组成成分尤其是when 和that morning在句子中 分析语法成分,谁帮我分析下,我看不懂啊!In another part of London,supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to Broad Stree out break.分析一下这个句子的语法成分 请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!还有基本语法! why do the children thank their mother请帮我分析句子的成分 请大家帮我分析下这个句子的成分people are able to get more systematic information from the book that the intertnet can not provide with vast of messy information. That might really help.我觉得这个句子不完整.might是个情态动词,后面直接是表语help.这样可以吗?请分析下这个句子各部分的结构/成分?(如果它不完整的话,请说明下其缺少的结构/成分)